
Well, we didn't get away until 11.35.

Yesterday the handle on the caravan door broke off and while Ian was repairing it, the door blew shut and couldn't be opened (no handle), effectively locking us out of the van.

We had to go to Maroochydoreto get my new hearing aids (yay!!) so we picked up a new door lock kit, but Ian couldn't get it to work before bedtime....AND the Lions were a disgrace!

Then the phone rang at 4.30 a.m. - missing resident with alzheimers, so people out searching for her. She was found safe and well, thankfully. 

As soon as I was awake, we set about breaking into the van. After some clever tricks and a bit of muscle and not too much damage, Ian got in and opened the door.

Now for the new catch. It worked fine when assembled, but locked every time it was put into position.

So, off we went with a jury-rigged door. Made it to Dalby by 4.00 and found our power cable is stuffed. Borrowed one, and it's off to Bunnings first thing tomorrow. 

Of course, the first people we met around the camp fire were Cooroy residents from Black Mountain. 

Collapsed into bed at 9.00. 2° forecast.


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